Female Sex & Love Addiction Books

Women, Sex, and Addiction: A Search for Love and Power by Charlotte Davis Kasl
This classic book describes the distinct dynamics underlying female sex & love addiction, how women often use sex & romance much like an alcohol uses alcohol – to attain a sense of personal power as well as to escape from pain, ultimately to feel in control. Kasl outlines how women how they can learn to experience their sexuality as a source for love and positive power and sex as an expression that honors the soul as well as the body.

No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction by Marnie Ferree
“No Stones,” the first book for female sex & love addicts from a Christian perspective, is a comprehensive approach to recovery for female sex and love/romance addicts. Very in-depth and compassionately written for women who have any kind of struggle in the area of sexuality or relationships.


Ready to Heal: Women Facing Love, Sex, and Relationship Addiction by Kelly McDaniel
As the title says, this books is about identifying why relationships are unhealthy, and what makes unhealthy relationships attractive. It outlines addictive behavior patterns as well as the link between childhood relationships and later choices.