“Hearing others say the same (dysfunctional) thoughts I have is so validating that I’m in the right place, and at the same time challenges me to further work through those issues…”

“Group night is the highlight of my week. It is my safe place.”

~Statements commonly heard from those in the sexual addiction group therapy at Life Balance Counseling.

Group Therapy is an essential part of the recovery process for those struggling with sexual addiction and pornography addiction. Below are some common reasons why addicts cannot attend group, and the core truth underneath each.

  • "That seems Intimidating"

    Sure! The idea of joining a therapy group for sex/porn addiction can seem intimidating, if not, downright terrifying. And yet, the need to break the isolation, loneliness, and lack of trust in addiction is necessary for long-term recovery. Group becomes the “incubator” to make these begin making these break throughs.

  • "I Am Too Busy"

    I don’t have the time for anything extra in my life right now, I can barely do individual therapy. We hear this all of the time, and it is true that everyone is busy today. And yet, it is a larger truth that addicts go out of their way to act out in their addiction and this same type of “whatever it takes” energy is required in recovery.

    The irony of this excuse is that sex/porn addicts frequently spend inordinate amounts of time acting out in their addiction. Recovery teaches that healing must come first, and anything you put in front of your recovery you risk losing to your addiction.

  • "I Might See Someone I Know"

    Confidentiality is a foundational component of our rules for group therapy. Also, one must remember that if you see someone you know, they are seeking help just like you are.

  • "I Can't Open Up to Complete Strangers"

    This fear is a common reaction when your therapist suggests group therapy. And yet, groups quickly develop a bond after sharing their stories with one another and no longer feel like a group of strangers. By opening up, being vulnerable, and listening to the heartbreak in other’s stories, connections are made, and healing begins at a deeper level than Individual therapy can provide.

  • "I Can't Afford It"

    The question really should be “Can you afford not to?” We understand the process of healing can be costly, but you are worth it. Every penny!

    Group therapy is a tremendous value therapeutically, as the sessions are more cost effective compared to individual therapy.

  • "I Don't Want to Connect With Those People"

    Group members often laugh at themselves when they break through denial and release they belong and there is no shame in seeking help to heal from addiction. They frequently share the culture of support developed over time in group as being transformational. Being able to discuss problems and concerns, getting honest feedback , sharing feelings on a deep level, having others truly listen and understand where you are coming from…Priceless.

“Addiction is an illness of escape. Its goal is to obliterate, medicate, or ignore reality. It is an alternative to letting oneself feel hurt, betrayal, worry, and —most painful of all — loneliness”

~Patrick Carnes from “Facing the Shadow”