Group Therapy FAQ

  • How long does group last?

    All groups at Life Balance Counseling Peoria meet weekly and are 90 minutes in length. Group members are asked to make a commitment to the group, limit absences, and miss no more than 2 groups per quarter.

  • What is the cost of Group Therapy?

    The fee for group therapy is $50/session, with discounts given for paying for in advance. Sometimes therapy groups are covered by insurance. Life Balance Counseling Peoria is In Network with a variety of insurance panels and many insurance policies cover group therapy. Call us (309) 676-0538 to verify your coverage.

  • What happens in group?

    Therapy groups at Life Balance Counseling are a mix of processing life events, giving & receiving support, honestly expressing one’s thoughts and emotions, sharing one’s story, holding one another accountable, learning how to be emotionally intimate with one another, role-playing to teach interpersonal skills, empathy development, and more. From week to week the format may differ.

  • How is group different from individual therapy?

    There are many differences between group and individual therapy. The process of group therapy helps participants develop insights into their own issues and great self-awareness as they listen to others who have similar problems. “Seeing themselves in the mirror” is often a life-changing shift in perspective. Group engages members to open up in different ways, as the dynamics bring out things that simply would not occur in individual therapy.

  • Are there any changes to group due to Covid?

    Because of Covid, and to maintain social distancing, Life Balance Counseling therapy groups are currently being offered in a hybrid format. That means that some people attend In-Person and some people, due to a variety of reasons, participate in those same groups through a HIPAA compliant platform Zoom.

  • How do I get started?

    Call us (309) 676-0538 and ask to speak with a therapist about your group options. You will work collaboratively with the therapist to explore what group would be the best fit for you. Next, you would schedule a group screening appointment (approximately 30 minutes) where you can speak with the group therapist, ask any questions or address any concerns, and make sure you and the group are a good fit for one another.